Message to College Republicans from Mathew Larson (Program Manager for Coro Northern California)

Dear College Republicans,

My name is Mathew Larson and I am a Program Manager for Coro Northern California. Since 1947, Coro has held long standing relationships with institutions of higher learning and a reputation for training some of our nation’s very best leaders.

I’m excited to share with you that we are currently recruiting for the 2019-2020 Cohort of Coro Fellows in Public Affairs. The Coro Fellowship is a nine-month, full-time program that equips future leaders with the knowledge, skills, and networks to jumpstart their careers and accelerate their impact.

I’m reaching out today to request that you share information about our program with as many emerging leaders in your network as possible. We’re looking for students who are driven by curiosity, ready to take initiative, and want to challenge themselves and others in dedication to public service and the common good.

Here are a few simple ways you can help us spread the word:

  • Nominate a candidate here and we will contact them directly.

  • Forward information about Coro to current and former students. I’ve provided text below for you to use.

  • Recommend Coro to potential candidates; they can fill out an interest form and we will follow up.

The application deadline is January 8, 2020. It requires 3 essays, 2 letters of recommendation, and any college transcripts (unofficial transcripts are accepted). 

Thank you for your assistance in helping us to identify the 2020-2021 Coro Fellows in Public Affairs!

All the best,
